Summary: Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) in the Document

Introduction to Inter-Processor Communication (IPC):

  • IPC is crucial for enabling communication and data exchange between multiple processors in a system. It is especially important in multicore and parallel processing environments where tasks are distributed across different processing units.

Key Concepts in IPC:

  1. Synchronization:

    • Synchronization ensures that multiple processes or threads coordinate their execution to maintain data consistency and avoid race conditions.
    • Techniques such as barriers, locks, and semaphores are commonly used to synchronize tasks.
  2. Data Sharing:

    • Efficient data sharing mechanisms are essential for performance in parallel systems.
    • Data can be shared using shared memory, message passing, or other IPC mechanisms depending on the system architecture and requirements.

IPC Mechanisms:

  1. Shared Memory:

    • Shared memory allows multiple processes to access the same memory space. It is fast and efficient for data exchange but requires careful synchronization to prevent conflicts.
    • Shared memory is often used in systems with a common physical memory accessible by all processors.
  2. Message Passing:

    • Message passing involves sending data from one process to another through messages. It is used in distributed systems where processes may not share a common memory.
    • Libraries such as MPI (Message Passing Interface) provide standardized functions for message passing.
  3. Semaphores:

    • Semaphores are synchronization primitives used to control access to shared resources by multiple processes.
    • They can be binary (indicating availability) or counting (indicating the number of available resources).
  4. Mutexes (Mutual Exclusion):

    • Mutexes are used to prevent concurrent access to a resource by more than one process or thread.
    • A mutex ensures that only one process can access a critical section of code at a time.
  5. Barriers:

    • Barriers synchronize multiple threads or processes, ensuring that they all reach a certain point in the execution before any of them can proceed.
    • Barriers are useful in parallel algorithms where stages of computation must be synchronized.

Implementation in Different Environments:

  1. POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface):

    • POSIX defines standard APIs for IPC mechanisms such as shared memory, semaphores, and message queues.
    • Examples include sem_open, sem_close, sem_post, sem_wait for semaphores, and shm_open, shm_unlink for shared memory.
  2. OpenAMP (Open Asymmetric Multi-Processing):

    • OpenAMP facilitates IPC in heterogeneous systems with different types of processors.
    • It uses mechanisms such as rpmsg (remote processor messaging) and virtio for efficient message passing between processors.
    • Example usage in OpenAMP involves creating endpoints and channels for message passing.
  3. Virtio:

    • Virtio provides a standardized interface for efficient data transfer between virtual machines and their host or between processors in a system.
    • It supports features like data queues and notifications to facilitate high-speed communication.

Examples of IPC Usage:

  1. Signal Handling in openAMP:

    • Signals are used to notify processes of events such as interrupts or task completions.
    • Example:
    void SignalHandler(int sig) {
        printf("signal handler called by signal %d\n", sig);
    int main(void) {
        struct sigaction sig;
        sig.sa_handler = SignalHandler;
        sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sig, NULL);
        while (flag > 0);
        printf("main terminates, flag = %d\n", flag);
  2. Message Passing in MPI:

    • MPI provides functions such as MPI_Send and MPI_Recv to facilitate message passing in parallel applications.
    • It supports point-to-point communication and collective communication for coordinating multiple processes.

Performance Considerations:

  1. Latency and Bandwidth:

    • The performance of IPC mechanisms is influenced by latency (the time it takes to send a message) and bandwidth (the amount of data that can be transmitted in a given time).
    • Choosing the appropriate IPC mechanism based on the application's latency and bandwidth requirements is crucial for optimal performance.
  2. Overhead:

    • IPC mechanisms introduce overhead due to context switching, synchronization, and data transfer.
    • Minimizing overhead through efficient implementation and minimizing unnecessary communication can enhance performance.
  3. Scalability:

    • IPC mechanisms must scale efficiently with the number of processors to maintain performance in large systems.
    • Techniques such as hierarchical communication structures and load balancing can help achieve scalability.


  • IPC is essential for enabling effective communication and coordination in multicore and parallel processing systems.
  • Understanding and utilizing various IPC mechanisms, such as shared memory, message passing, semaphores, mutexes, and barriers, are crucial for developing efficient parallel applications.
  • By optimizing IPC mechanisms for performance, developers can ensure that their applications run smoothly and efficiently on modern parallel and distributed systems.