CPU Architectures

GP - CPU Architectures

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Parallelizing CPU architectures

  • Multicore
  • Multiple FUs -> ALUs, Multipliers
    • Data parallelism
  • Multiple pipelines
    • Instruction parallelism
  • Multiple Heterogeneous PEs -> DSP, GPU ...

DSP Architectures (Digital Signal Processing)

  • Very application specific
  • Offers mac (.M)
  • Data access (.D)
  • GP-ALU (.L)
  • Shifter / ALU (.S)

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Software Pipelining

  • Technique to reduce pipeline stalls from instruction
  • Together with VLIW get very tight loop kernels

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Pipeline Architectures


  • Each construciton seperate
    • move mem, reg
    • move reg, reg
  • Microcode decodes instruction and performs operation


  • Store and load
    • lots of instructions required
    • hardware architecture, inc. pipelining makes execution fast
    • compiler friendly


  • increase the number of instructions in the pipeline
  • instructions can be issued faster

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  • Increase the number of pipelines
  • Several instructions issued in a cycle
  • scheduling becomes an issue

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Co Processors

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  • Processor recognises instructions as its own
  • Processor does not recognise instruction it passes it on to connected Co-Pros
    • Either recognised or not recognised
    • If not then unknown instruction exception
    • If then processed by Co-Pro
  • Co-pros usually have separate clocks
  • Often own channels to memory/cache (NEON)

-> Independent/parallel execution possible

ARM Cortex-A53 (v8 diagram)

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NEON (v7 description)

  • Has instruction queue (16 deep) and data queue (8 entries)
  • A53 regards instruction as complete (performs checking and fetches)
  • NEON must decode and process instruction
  • If instruction/data queue full then A53 stalls

Co-processors face uncertain future

  • (Co-Pro) Instruction decoders expensive
  • (Co-Pro) Only really useful for generic operations
  • (Co-Pro) Video co-processors exis(ted) but standards advance so quickly
  • (CPU) Tight integration also costs G-CPU silicon
  • (Toolset) Added compiler maintenance because of architecture specific instruction sets

(SMT) Simultaneous Multi Threading

  • Intel calls this hyperthreading
  • Supporting cores execute two threads -> 4 cores -> 8 threads
  • Superscalar architecture necessary
  • Assumption is that CPU resources (ALU ...) are not always being used
    • With two threads in parallel better chance of available resources being used
  • BIOS and OS must support this feature
    • Core looks like two (thread capable) cores to OS
    • Need to lock process on core to avoid hyperthreading when it is turned on
  • Speedup for some applications, reported by Intel, ~30%
    • Improvement more likely dependent on externals like cache stalls than on FU availability
  • Security issues abound

(AMP) Asymmetric Multiprocessing

AMP - Scenarios

  • AMP with different Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
    • Typically specialisation – PRU, GPU, DSP ... • AMP with same ISA
    • Task driven, one processor for comms, one for I/O ...
    • Master-slave (typical) or peer-to-peer driven
  • AMP with same ISA clocked at different rates
  • AMP with same ISA, different architectures (64/32-bit)
    • F.i. big.LITTLE
  • AMP with different or no OS


  • rpmsg message passing service
  • Every device is a communication channel with a remote processor
    • Devices are called channels
  • Each has a source/destination address
// send
int rpmsg_send(struct rpmsg_channel *rpdev, void *data, int len);

// receive
struct rpmsg_endpoint *rpmsg_create_ept(struct rpmsg_device *rpdev, rpmsg_rx_cb_t cb, void *priv, struct rpmsg_channel_info chinfo);

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