
Periodic Query of Status Information (Polling)

  • Synchronous with main programm
  • Advantages
    • Simple and straightforward
    • Implicit synchronization
    • Deterministic
    • No additional interrupt logic required
  • Disadvantages
    • Busy wait (wastes CPU time)
    • Reduced trhoughput
    • Long reaction times

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if (spi_is_txe_set()) {

if (uar_is_rxne_set()) {
	uard_data = uart_read_data();

if (adc_is_eoc()) {
	adc+data = adc_read_data();

Interrupt Driven I/O

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Interrupt Performance

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  • tISR > "Time between two interrupt events"
    • Some interrupt events will not be serviced (lost)
      • Data will be lost
    • fINT as well as tISR may vary over time
      • Average may be ok, but individual interrupt events may still be lost

Impact on system performance


Unit Converter

tISR = 6 us = 0,000006s fInt=20Hz = 20 1/s

Impact = 20 Hz * 6us * 100% = 0.012%

Interrupt Priorities

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void TIM2_IRQHandler(void)

 * \brief  Timer 3 ISR: Generating load
void TIM3_IRQHandler(void)
    hal_timer_irq_clear(TIM3, HAL_TIMER_IRQ_UE);